How to earn free bitcoins daily without any investment in 2021

ahmad azher
2 min readApr 7, 2021


Are you interested in making bitcoins? Then this guide is for you! Here we will talk about the different ways in which you can get free bitcoin daily without any investment like just simple tasks like solving the captcha, doing surveys, etc.

One of the digital cryptocurrencies is bitcoin. There are some businesses where this currency is accepted and not taxed and has a minimal transaction fee. That is why many people want to earn this currency. There are many different ways to get free bitcoins. Some of the methods are mentioned below.

Bitcoins are accepted as a form of payment: The easiest way for an individual to get a free bitcoin is to accept bitcoins through payment. If an individual sells goods and services or runs a small business, they can easily and quickly integrate this process with the help of the following steps.

People need to get a free online bitcoins wallet. Coin bases or other providers give access to this wallet. The individual needs to see what works for him. One has to make sure that one’s coin is safe in 2 or 3 different places.

The individual needs to display the QR code using their bitcoin address, which will accompany the cash register. There are two ways to do this — when the person has a wallet, go to the section that says ‘Add funds’ or ‘Receive money’ or something like that. This person should print the photo and keep it with their cash entry. Here are some of the wallets that offer ‘receive money’ functionality. When an individual is earning bitcoins, when accepting a payment request form, ‘Request a payment request is valid. In this space, the individual will fill in the amount that the customer needs to pay, and a similar QR-code will appear automatically.

The individual can then display the ‘Bitcoin Accepted Here’ logo in their respective store to let customers know that they have integrated this advanced payment.

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